SpellCheck Assistant

Archive for July, 2011

Spell check enhances the perception of your work

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In today’s world there is virtually no excuse for having spelling errors in any type of work, due to the advent of built in spell checker technology, as found in Word and the Firefox browser, along with countless online spell check options. It is now a generally accepted belief that all documents will be put through a spell checker before they are turned in and failure to do so often causes others to look at the work as being inferior, even if it’s perfect in every other way.

In addition to proper spelling, grammar is also a hot button topic. What used to be intimidating to many people has now been simplified via word processing programs that have a built in grammar check. Also, using the same word multiple times in a single piece should be avoided by referring to a thesaurus. As with grammar and spelling, there are multiple options, including free thesaurus websites.

There has never been an easier time to have perfect spelling, at least when writing on a computer. Taking advantage of all of the free options available to you will enhance the perception of others about your work.

Written by admin

July 26th, 2011 at 7:45 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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