SpellCheck Assistant

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Do you correct work for people?

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If you are an editor you know that you love to look for good content in the papers you are reading. It can be hard to do when the paper is full of mistakes. You have to spend all your time correcting silly little errors. There is a quicker way to solve the whole problem. You can go online and use the free spell check page to make sure the paper is free of spelling errors. It will do all the work for you. No more spending all your time looking for errors, you can look at content and enjoy the article.

The spell check online is easy to use. Try the grammar check also. It is fast and never makes mistakes. Don’t forget about the free thesaurus to give you some extra ideas to pass on to the writer you are doing the editing for. The idea of having this extra help can change the way you see your job as an editor. Never take this lightly. You have a big responsibility.

Written by admin

May 22nd, 2012 at 4:15 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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