SpellCheck Assistant

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Tools Of the Trade: Spell Checker

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Every writer has tools. These tools are not just tangible ones like the computer and the internet but intangible ones like the writer’s education, imagination, expertise and background.
Technology helps to level the playing field for writers by providing tools of the trade common to all writers: spell checker, grammar check and thesaurus online. Now bad spellers can be great writers because they can check their work by computer. Inconsistent writers can see their mistakes highlighted by grammar check and improve their assignments. Less imaginative or just plain tired writers can use thesaurus online to develop a better vocabulary.
The sad thing is that not all writers take advantage of these tools of the trade. They seem to be blind to the fact that spell checker is a tool for everyone. They seem blind to the fact that thesaurus online and grammar check improve their assignments. Writers who really want to succeed never neglect these important tools of the trade.

Written by admin

March 29th, 2012 at 6:20 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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