SpellCheck Assistant

Archive for October, 2011

Everyone Should Spell Check

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Did you ever think that using the spell check feature or the thesaurus on your computer was pointless? Well think again because everyone should spell check their work, and a thesaurus is a great resource to use because it gives the chance to use different words that mean the same thing. No matter what level of education a person has reached, or the importance of the material being written, speck check is must. Using proper grammar is very important because it could be the difference between expressing something correctly or being completely misunderstood. It could also be the difference between getting an “A” or a “D”on that important paper, or nailing a great job with your application letter. Both of these features are free, and can usually be found on you toolbar when writing. Having the ability to spell check and use words interchangeably is something that everyone needs, and should always take advantage of when available for use.

Written by admin

October 10th, 2011 at 2:47 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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