SpellCheck Assistant

Archive for November, 2011

It Is Crucial to Use the Spell Check

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Spell checking is a very important tool to use when it comes to any form of writing. Correct spelling and grammar is key to distinguishing a good writing piece and one that is tardy. Even if the information contained within a writing piece is substantial and valuable, misspelled words will still take much away from the significance of the piece, as well as the integrity of the writer. Often, readers whom notice several misspelled words along their reading of some material will tend to stop reading and discredit the writer. A constant annoyance of this is frowned upon by readers and other writers. This is why it is essential to proofread and utilize tools such as spell checker and grammar check. There are many free online spell check websites that offer not only spell and grammar checking, but also other useful tools such as a free thesaurus. A combination of all of these tools can ensure that the writers material is well prepared for live publishing

Written by admin

November 15th, 2011 at 9:20 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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