SpellCheck Assistant

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Teaching is more then correcting.

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Teachers spend hours correcting papers for their students. It can make the job of teaching difficult. You have to spend much of your time going over and over the same piece of writing to make sure there are no mistakes. It is a big responsibilty.

There is an easier way to edit your student’s work. You can use the online free spell check. The spell check will find all the misspell words for you. No need to look for misplaced punctuation either. The grammar check can do that for you in a flash. Check out the free thesaurus while you are on the site and get some easy suggestions on how to improve the paper. Teaching is a big responsibility. You are changing and encouraging students. Many of them will go on to write for a living or for relaxation. They will take what they learned in your class to use in their future.

Written by admin

May 10th, 2012 at 4:45 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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