SpellCheck Assistant

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Spell Check for New English Writers

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If you’ve just started learning English and found that writing it can be somewhat difficult, then you’re not alone. You may get frustrated with writing, but there is help available for you. You can still learn by having a program to correct you as you go. The best part is that others won’t even know that you have a lot of difficulty writing in English. Why is this? Well, the online spell checker is designed to catch misspelled words. Once it catches the misspelled word, it will then give you a list of words that you could have possibly meant. This is the greatest tool ever.

If you’re still learning to read and write in English, then you will probably have problems with grammar. That’s fixable too. The online spell check website includes a tool for checking grammar as well. Just like the spelling, it catches the mistake and gives you a list of suggestions. Even though you may feel like you’re alone in trying to communicate effectively through your writing, you’re not. An online spell checker is your most loyal friend as long as you use it.

Have you noticed that you’ve been using the same words over and over again? Would you believe that you have support for that as well? The same site that you use to check your spelling and grammar is the same one you use to get access to a thesaurus. A thesaurus is designed to help you expand your vocabulary and avoid repetition when communicating. We all know how easy it is to lose someone’s attention when we’re using the same words again and again. A thesaurus can help you with this problem immediately.

Written by admin

February 4th, 2012 at 10:24 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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