SpellCheck Assistant

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Spell Check: Show You Care

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Whether writing a research paper, firing off an email, or bloviating on a blog, correct spelling is crucial, not only for communicating ideas, but to show you take pride in your work. Nothing gives readers a poor impression more than the careless misspelling of a simple word. The days of thumbing through dictionary pages to check the spelling of difficult words are long gone, as most word processing programs either immediately underline misspelled words, or have a built-in spellchecker you can run before publishing your work. With these utilities, and available free spellchecker programs and dictionaries online, laziness is the only excuse for butchering the English language.
When reading a professionally produced document, you expect that the writer followed basic spelling, grammar, and punctuation rules. Still, many daily newspapers and websites contain spelling mistakes, which a spellchecker would have caught. One misspelling in a newspaper headline can alter the meaning enough to earn the dubious distinction of a mention on Jay Leno’s popular “Headlines” segment. And that, in turn, can lead to a loss of credibility in the eyes of the reader. Ironically, many websites about spell checking contain countless errors, rendering them unreadable, non-authoritative, and completely useless. For websites, misspelled words not only turn off potential users or customers, but also may prevent the website from showing up in internet search engine results. For students, misspellings result in a paper covered in red marks, accompanied by a lower grade. You can avoid these pitfalls by using a spellchecker.
While they are extremely useful tools, average spell checkers do have limitations, particularly in discerning between words which have similar pronunciations, but different spellings and meanings; such as you’re and your. Maybe this is a poor example, because use of the contraction “you’re” does not belong in formal writing, but this is still pertinent information if you’re sending an email to your grandmother. To avoid this common error, use an online spellchecker with grammar checking capabilities. Try SpellChecker.net, which accurately detected the misuse of your and you’re.
What does a spellchecker do? The name is obviously self-explanatory: it checks for spelling errors. However, checking your spelling serves many important purposes: to correctly convey what you are trying to say, to keep up credibility, to impress readers with your skills, and to show you care about writing quality.

Written by admin

March 24th, 2011 at 1:53 pm