SpellCheck Assistant

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Spell Checker Can’t Be Fooled

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The spell checker can’t be fooled very easily. It catches words that are mistyped or simply misspelled. Writers cannot underestimate the need to use spell checker before submitting their work to editors. Misspelled words imply that the writer doesn’t care about his or her final product. Often this is not true. Often writers simply forget to use spell checker.
Another function that writers need to use regularly is grammar online. Spell checker will catch poor spelling, but it does not know what the writer means. Grammar check looks for the meaning behind specific words and phrases. For instance, grammar check generally knows whether the writer means ‘weather or whether’, ‘your or you’re’ and ‘it’s or its’. It is not a slam against the writer. The grammar check is just looking for ways to improve the final product.
A third and often overlooked function is the thesaurus online. With a free thesaurus, writers can seek out the best word every time.

Written by admin

March 6th, 2012 at 4:20 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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