SpellCheck Assistant

Reasons to use Spell Check

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You have the perfect resume for the job you want. It has perfect bullets demonstrating your education as well as stellar examples of your work history and accomplishments. But you can not understand why you have not received any calls for an interview. Unfortunately you forgot to proof read it and there are several spelling and grammar errors. An online spell check would have pointed out these mistakes prior to you submitting it to companies.

A grammar check would provide a quick look at common mistakes and provide suggestions on how to prevent them. You may also want to use a thesaurus to provide you with different word choices better suited to your resume.

It is always a good idea to run any document through a spell checker to check for those common spelling and grammatical mistakes which you may have overlooked. After you check your resume resubmit it to those companies and wait for the phone to ring!

Written by admin

October 4th, 2011 at 9:09 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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