SpellCheck Assistant

Spell Checking and Grammar Checking

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When you write anything, it is very important that you not only check spelling but you have proper grammar and use a thesaurus. Spell check is one of the most important tools used in word processing programs. Spell check goes over your whole paper and review it for misspelled words and proper use of words. Today you can use online spell check as well as the spell checker in programs like Microsoft Word. When checking your writing English grammar you can use grammar online programs to help with this and to save you money. Checking for grammar helps to make sure that your paper reads correctly. If you want to make sure you are using the right word or if you want to find another word to use in your paper you can use a thesaurus dictionary or a thesaurus online which will be free to use making it even better. All of these are tools you can use as a writer to make your papers and work sound better.

Written by admin

June 8th, 2011 at 7:45 pm