SpellCheck Assistant

Spell Checking Your Writing

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Spell checkers are an indispensable tool that must of us have available at our convenience, right on our computers. Whether it’s built into our word processing software, exists as its own program, or is a spell checker that we use online, there is really no excuse for having typos these days. In fact, some browsers even have a spell check, grammar check, and sometimes even a thesaurus built right in. But if you don’t have a browser that does this for you and you do not necessarily want to have to open up your word processing software to run a check of your work before sending it off, one thing you may want to consider is using a website that will do the work for you.

Aside from the obvious importance of spell checkers, grammar checkers can be just as vital. They can save you from making embarrassing (but common) grammar errors, such as mixing up the words “your” and “you’re” and even prevent you from using run-on sentences, which will make your writing all the more readable!

Written by admin

November 8th, 2011 at 7:20 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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